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Polyline Range Of Knife Gate Valve SGV

One piece body design means there are no leaks during valve cycling.
Plv Valves

Polyline Range Of Knife Gate Valve SGV

Unique single piece body construction allows for full polyline-urethane wear resistant lining, greatly extending the life of the valve. Polyline-Urethane comes in both 100 & 200.

Polyline 100 is ideal for dry & short term wet applications requiring high cut and wear properties.

Polyline 200 is ideal for long term wet applications requiring excellent abrasion and hydrolysis resistance with good dynamic properties.

One piece body design means there are no leaks during valve cycling. Smooth Polyline-Urethane lined body is free from caveties preventing slurry build-up or blockages, while also reducing head-loss and turbulance.


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5 Simgold Street, Simmerfield, Germiston, South Africa

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